Book Blogger Hop: Bookish Dreams!

Book Blogger Hop

 Have you ever had a bookish, nocturnal dream? If so, please share the story. If not, have you ever had a daydream related to books? If so, please tell us about it.

          I have way too many book dreams to give just ONE story, so I'll go with the most recent lolol 

One night I was reading Dread Nation by Justina Ireland before I went to bed. If you haven't read it, there's zombies and a zombie fighting girl, Jane. For once, there was a bad ass who looked like me on the cover of a book with a bad ass weapon ready to do bad ass things. And although I'm not a teen anymore, I still read enough to be touched by this, so it followed me to my dreams. I dreamed that I was Jane and I was the one who was fighting the zombies and stuff. It was a pretty creepy dream with the zombies, but definitely memorable. 

What about you?
Have you read any books that followed you to your dreams?
