READy to Talk: Reading in Public!

     READy to Talk is a new discussion meme that will come up few and far between, just when I have something bookish on my mind. Something that I want to get y'alls opinion on!

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     Have you ever been reading a book in public and accidentally laughed out loud or had to stop for a second and fan yourself because the book got a bit too steamy? I have. As a matter of fact, a co-worker was the reason I was inspired to write this blog post. 
     I was having lunch at my desk and I got to a funny part in Jackpot by Nic Stone (and trust me, there are A LOT of them) and I remember actually laughing out loud. My co-worker looked over at me puzzled. Remember I said, there's only 2 of us that actually read here, so he didn't get it. He thought I was strange for reading something and then actually enjoying it lol 
     So, I started thinking about the things you might risk from reading in pucblic.... 

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1. Strange looks at the cover/title of the book you've chosen lol 

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2. When the book gets to be too much and you have to raise your eyebrows or fan yourself and put it down for a minute. 

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3. Reading something completely hilarious and then actually laughing out loud

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4. Reading something you weren't expecting to be sad and then suddenly you're bawling (Man, I made the mistake of listening to The Serpent King on audio while I was driving to work and I got all the WEIRDEST looks. It was a DISASTER lmao)

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5. Getting mad while reading 

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6. Looking up and realizing you're not actually in the fantasy land you've been reading about. 

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7. Actually talking out loud to the characters in the book (Am I the only one that does this? lol) 

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8. Reading a super sweet scene and physically swooning. 

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9. People talking to you while reading. (It drives me NUTS. They assume you're reading because you don't have anything else to do, so they talk thinking they're more interesting. NO.)

     These things make me look crazy and it's always embarrassing, but I couldn't stop it if I tried.

What are some of the things you risk while reading in public?
Do any of these things happen to you?
How do you react? 
Let me know in the comments!

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