Beyond the Book: Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor

This bookish feature is an original by me! I had the epiphany for this the other day when I was writing out my 15 bookish confessions. (See #7) A lot of times I like to go "beyond the book" and do something that will connect me with the book and characters a little more. It will pop up on Mondays! Be on the look out for which books caught my eye and made me go beyond just reading it!

"Team Livvie needed to look on the bright side."
pg. 161 (ARC)

     In honor of Women's History Month and International Women's Day (03/08), I wanted to honor one of my favorite "womances," Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor. It's about a girl who's coping with her best friend's disease acute myeloid leukemia. While I was reading this, I started wondering what I would do in this situation. I don't have many girl friends because I mainly like to stay in and read while women my age are all for going out and having fun and all that kinda stuff. lol But those female friends I do have, this book definitely made me cherish them even more. So, here's a look at my real life womances! 
     First and foremost there's my Mommy. We fussed and fought when I was younger, but now we can't get enough of each other. We both read and we both love movies and talking about anything to each other. Lately I've been book pushing books like CinderUnremembered, and Divergent to her and she actually decided to read them. Can't wait to see what she says about them. It's such an amazing thing to share books and everything else with my mom. Back in the day I would've been a little embarrassed about something like this, but now I'm just thankful that I still have these things to share with her while I have the chance. (And let's be honest, she may be my friend now, but she STILL definitely embarrasses me lol.)

     This chick here has been nothing but nice to me. I met Debbie when we started at my current job and she realized that I'm super quiet until I really meet you and she was ok with that. Everyone else judged me for it and I hated it. I never wanted to be around them until I was sure she would be there because I needed someone who understood what I meant when I said something too smart for everyone else. And thank goodness for having friends that understand your love for reading. She's the only person who I can say I'm coming over and pull out my book while she's playing her Playstation. I love her to death and I wouldn't ask for a better friend.

     Last but not least, there's this one here, JoJo. We currently become so much closer because we're at the same level of "moving up-ness" in our job and we are training together all the while learning so much about each other. We were friends before we got the promotions, but learning and growing together has brought us closer. And believe me, not just in the work place. I love that I can text her to ask a question about work as well as text her about any drama that me and the boyfriend may have. She listens to me complain about EVERYTHING and I do the same for her.

     All three of these women are a huge part of my life and I love them to death. I love that I know I can count on them for anything and that no matter what I do in my weird little reading world, I know they won't judge me. I can be myself around them and be goofy and loud and everything whenever I want. Just as I said in my review of Maybe One Day, "this is what makes a best friend, a best friend."

Do you have a real life womance?! 
Yes? Tell me about them!
No? Who are some of your favorite literary ones?!

Have you ever had such a connection with a book that you had to go beyond just reading it? 

Join me on Mondays with Beyond the Book! 

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