Release Date: September 12, 2017
Published by: Arthur A. Levine Books
Read from: November 4-8, 2017
Shadowshaper, #2
Source: Hoopla Digital
For fans of: Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal, YA
Shadowhouse rising
Sierra and her friends love their new lives as shadowshapers, making art and creating change with the spirits of Brooklyn. Then Sierra receives a strange card depicting a beast called the Hound of Light—an image from the enigmatic, influential Deck of Worlds. The Deck tracks the players and powers of all the magical houses in the city, and when the real Hound begins to stalk Sierra through the streets, the shadowshapers know their next battle has arrived.
Worlds in revolution
Sierra and Shadowhouse have been thrust into an ancient struggle with enemies old and new—a struggle they didn’t want, but are determined to win. Revolution is brewing in the real world as well, as the shadowshapers lead the fight against systems that oppress their community. To protect her family and friends in every sphere, Sierra must take down the Hound and master the Deck of Worlds…or else she could lose all the things that matter most.
I received this book as an e-ARC but it was the month after Harvey, so things were a bit of a mess. But trust me, since I had just read the first one in August, I was really INTO this story and I immdediately put myself on all the hold lists at my library. And trust me, I was not disappointed.
Sierra and the other Shadowshapers took some time off to just be teens. But then news of the Shadows stirring and rustling up trouble reaches them. There's a Deck of Worlds and the images on the cards connect with the Shadowshapers.... And others. To make sure they all stay safe, Sierra must keep them safe... By taking down the Hounds and the master of the Deck.
I LOVE this series y'all. I love how original it is and how much it talks about the arts. There's so much concentration on STEM nowadays, that I love that someone is still shining light on teens that love art. And what I loved most about this one was the fact that we meet so many more and diverse types of Shadowshapers. I won't say too much about it because I don't want to give anything away, but there are more than just those that draw.
I also loved the character development with Sierra! She seemed SO STRONG and I loved it. She will definitely be a force to be reckoned with. Buuuuuuuttttt then there was Robbie. I'm sorry, but I was not a fan of how Older did him in this story. I liked him and I thought he was a great character im the first one, but this time they made him SO SKETCHY. And I hated it. And I also didn't understand why. It just upset me lol
I also wasn't a fan of the ending. It seemed like it was rushed. Had it been a bit spaced out instead of everything happening at once and in a rush, I would have felt better about it. But I let it slide because the rest of the book was really good. Plot wise it moved a bit slow, but it didn't really lose anything because of the originality.
I really loved this series and I can only hope that there's more. I can't wait to see what other types of trouble they can get into now that things have changed. I still need to know all the things.
Overall, I give this