From the library:
This time I didn't buy the book, but the stand that goes on it. That was the stand I was talking about on Twitter when I said I told my hubs about it and he immediately ordered it and answered me by saying, "it'll be here tomorrow." I was so excited! And he got me the cute pink ones too!
For Review:
The Weekly Wrap-Up:
Me on Instagram:
Our theme for this year's Summer Reading Program was "A Universe of Stories" so for the SRP finale, the youth services department (or me and the children's librarian lol) decided we wanted to do something fun. We got a Moonwalk for the kids to jump in as the parents and teens got their last few points in and collected their last few prizes. It was super fun and I loved seeing all the excited kids jumping. As for me, I'm just happy to be done lol
These are my displays for the month. My Readbox Book Bundles is FLYING off the shelves. I made this really cute "Find my movie on Netflix" bookmarks and teens are asking for those just to have them! I LOVE my job!
What about you?
What did you get this week?
See anything that you've recently gotten or have recently read?
Let me know in the comments!