TTT: Changes in My Reading Life!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now run by Jana at That Artsy Reader GirlEach week she will post a new Top Ten list . Everyone is welcome to join. 

This week's topic is:
Top 10 Changes in My Reading Life! 

1. I read faster than I used to: I remember when I first started using Goodreads (2012) I was reading only like 65-70 books per year and I was barely scraping by with those. And now I just made 150 with a month and a half left when I barely made 150 and was reading until the very last day! 

2. My reading tastes have changed: I used to be strictly YA, but working at a library has helped me broaden my horizons. Since then I've started reading more adult and more books that are outside my comfort zone. 

3. I track my reading differently: I was only using Goodreads at one time, but now I use Goodreads and my Reading Journal.

4. I've stopped using the tabs: I really should go back to them, but I lose everything except the books I'm reading, so I don't really carry them anymore. And I also tend to use my Nook more, so I always just highlight it and keep reading. 

5. I read multiple books at once now: I never used to do that. I was always strictly one at a time. This could actually also be how I'm reading so many more books now as well. 

6. I listen to audiobooks now: I used to only read physical books and only one at a time. Now I'm usually reading 4 different books on different formats, (i.e. One audiobook in the car and one while I'm working or blogging. 1 Physical and one e-book that I might be able to read at the desk. 

7. I don't need complete quiet to concentrate while I'm reading now: Now I can read in any type of setting. And I love it!

8. I try to diversify my reading: Before I used to just read whatever sounds interesting. But now I make it a point to grab certain books that are diverse in some way so I can help give them the voice they deserve. 

9. I have a constant reading companion: And by that of course I mean I have a huge dog that will sit in your lap while you read

10. Eating Habits: I used to be weary of eating and reading. And now, I eat food at same time and I have some kind of uncanny ability to not spill anything on them ever.

What about you?
What reading changes have you noticed? 
Let me know in the comments! 
