Stacking the Shelves #369 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what all we borrowed, bought, and received for review. It's hosted over at Tynga's Reviews.

From the Library:

Cover image for The Friend Zone

For Review: 

The Weekly Wrap-Up: 

Monday 04/13/20: No Post. 
Tuesday 04/14/20:  Top 10 Tuesday:  Books I Enjoyed but Rarely Talk About
Wednesday 04/15/20: Waiting on Wednesday:  Majesty by Katharine McGee
Friday 04/17/20: Book Blogger Hop:  The Order! 
Saturday 04/18/20: Crave by Tracy Wolff

Me on Instagram:

This happened a couple days ago, and I posted it to Twitter, but I forgot to post it on Instagram. Definitely something that y'all know I am passionate about. In the words of what I used to say back when I was in high school. "Fired up, ready to work!!!"

What about you?
What did you get this week?
Did you get anything that I did?
Let me know in the comments! 
